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1. Check Your Email and White-List bethany@bethanydotson.com to ensure your receive all future class reminders. 

2.  Join the Free Facebook Community Attract Conscious Love for more helpful videos and content on healing your relationship patterns, trauma and attracting Mr. Amazing. 


He honestly is for me. It’s wacky, but we think the same things at the same time. All the time. If it weren’t for his very thoughtful first message,  I would have deleted him. (As I had with every other guy with how his profile was, when it came to his kids.) But I gotta say, I’m so happy I took a chance, or I wouldn’t be where I am today! 

Breanna R.

I just wanted to say Thank You! I got a higher paying job and met hot, fun guy thanks to all the positive thinking you taught me! 

Kendra G.

I believe Angels come into our path for specific reasons. I wanted to say Thank You for being one of those angels. I have been letting things go this Christmas and just going with the flow. Also, savoring each and every moment. I am just much more grounded, patient and confident in myself. I know there will be bumps in the road, but I am ready to fight and stick my boundaries.

Maria G.

After 10 years of therapy, I never understood boundaries like I know them now. I’ve made the most progress since joining 5 months ago.  

Amber L.

Lifechanging. I never realized how much shame I was carrying inside. Her ability to guide you through your emotions is umatched. 

Amy K.